Carbon dioxide is a clean gaseous agent, in plentiful supply and can be stored in either high pressure cylinders or low pressure tanks. It has been used effectively as a fire extinguishing gas since the early 1900’s.

Carbon Dioxide systems can be used for either total flooding or local application and are ideal for protecting high value assets where large quantities of agent is required. These include dip tanks, rolling mills, data processing centres, vaults/tape storage and marine machinery spaces.

The Gielle Carbon Dioxide Fire Suppression System is an engineered system available in three application configurations: total flooding (for unoccupied areas), local application or hand-hose line. System includes detectors, a control unit, agent storage cylinders, piping and discharge nozzles. Gaseous carbon dioxide rapidly suppresses fire by a combination of cooling and oxygen displacement.

  • Proven quality and reliability with the Gielle brand
  • An inexpensive and easy-to-access agent when refill is necessary
  • Wide ranges of proven safe, hazard protection

When applied to a fire, CO2 provides a heavy blanket of gas that reduces the oxygen level to a point where combustion cannot occur. Since carbon dioxide is a gas, there is no clean-up associated with fire suppression system discharge. That means minimal interruption to your business.

In fact, the cost of clean-up and peripheral damage associated with water sprinkler systems, foam systems and dry chemical agents can exceed the costs associated with the actual fire damage. With a Carbon Dioxide system, clean-up costs and downtime associated with a CO2 discharge are negligible.