In this post we will see the different types of fire detectors that exist today in the professional market of the Fire Protection sector. An analysis of each type of fire detector will be made to understand which are the most optimal according to the type of fire expected in each location. We will differentiate the following types or classes of fire detectors:
- Smoke detectors: optical, photoelectric and ionic.
- Temperature detectors: thermal and thermovelocimetric.
- Flame detectors: infrared, ultraviolet and combined IR+UV.
- Linear infrared detectors.
- Gas detectors.
- Detector cable or temperature sensor for fires.
What is a fire detector, definition
A fire detector is a device that detects the presence of a fire. This can be done in several ways, including the following:
- Smoke detectors use an optical or electrochemical sensor to detect smoke.
- Combustible gas detectors use an electrochemical cell or catalytic sensor to detect combustible gases in the air.
- Ionization smoke detectors are capable of detecting large and small particles in the air, as well as large amounts of smoke. Disused due to the use of radioactive components.